Saturday, April 23, 2011

Duck Farts, OG, and Cubs win

Today was brewing day for the Seal Ale (see my previous post to learn more) and the actually brewing part went off without a hitch.  My brother Greg helped out and things went very smoothly.  However, when it came time to measure my OG (original gravity, not gangster) it was quite a bit lower than my target.  The target was 1.048-1.052 and I measured 1.034. Ouch.  I think the cause may be the low amount of water I used for my mash in, which was 3.25 gallons.  I think I needed maybe 4 or 5.  This was calculated using this mash calculator.  I am worried this beer will have a significant lack of body, but maybe I will just end up with a low alcohol "near beer".

Here are a few pics of my brewing setup during the mashing process:

Today I also tried a single hop pale ale I brewed a few weeks ago. It was brewed using Centennial Hops for both bittering and aroma additions.  This was the first time I have tried it since it was bottled.  I think it needs another week but has a great hop flavor.  I also decided to name it Duck Fart. Look for a label in the future.

Finally, today was a big win for the Cubbies.  A come from behind victory against the Dodgers.  Starlin Castro and Darwin Barney are providing this team with much needed offense, and its great to see young, farm system players tearing it up.  Ryan Dempster still does not look that great out there, but today his offense picked him up.

Stay tuned for history of MLB teams and the breweries and beers associated with them starting this week.

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